Irony of buying Einstein’s advice on happiness

By |2019-08-02T21:14:49+10:00November 13th, 2017|

It was in the news recently that an advice on a note written by Albert Einstein describing his theory of happiness has sold for US$1.56 million at a Jerusalem auction. See here or here. And what did the note read? “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.” -Einstein

Freedom From Your Inner Critic

By |2022-11-26T15:47:23+11:00December 23rd, 2016|

When was the last time you felt okay for no good reason? The last time you were simply happy being yourself just the way you are; without any self judgments? And how long did it last? In this talk I introduce you to your Inner Critic, your Judge Within and offer you a few simple techniques to begin freeing yourself from the shackles of your inner judge to be able to feel simply okay with yourself more often.

Helpful and Harmful Judgements: How to know and what to do

By |2022-11-27T10:19:16+11:00May 4th, 2016|

Judgment is not necessarily always harmful. Is judgement helpful or harmful?“Don’t judge me!” could be both a powerful liberating statement and a misguided one creating misunderstanding and separation. Have you ever wondered what judgement actually is? If it is just harmful, then how can we know good from bad and legitimately express our preferences in life and in our relationships? Many of us have a conflicting or ambivalent understanding of judgement. I believe that gaining a clearer understanding of judgment can be extremely helpful and empowering in our relationship with ourselves and with others.

9 Personality Traits Blocking Happiness &A Sure Way to Let Happiness Find You

By |2019-08-02T21:26:51+10:00March 23rd, 2016|

Almost everyone would be in pursuit of happiness at some stage of their lives. Most people seek happiness all of their lives and would miss it even in front of their noses. The truth is that authentic happiness is not something to attain by pursing it, it can only ensue. Ultimately it can only ensue as a result of dedicating one’s life to knowing oneself. Now this journey of self-knowing takes many different shapes depending on the circumstances and the life stage one is in. For instance Viktor Frankl; highly respected neurologist and psychiatrist and a Holocaust survivor; puts it this way:

“If Abbott is not stupid, why does he keep doing stupid things?” The Enneagram might shed light.

By |2019-10-31T16:27:37+11:00December 3rd, 2015|

"On one occasion, Turnbull found himself in an Adelaide pub drinking beer with a group of workers from the Australian Submarine Corporation. Abbott, the workers told him, was an idiot. Of course he isn't, Turnbull replied. The man is a Rhodes Scholar with a degree in economics from Oxford University. He's actually very bright. The

Transpersonal Psychology presentation: Self-realisation in Rumi’s psychology

By |2017-12-11T21:21:28+11:00March 20th, 2015|

Transpersonal Psychology is gradually gaining more interest and it is my privilege to be giving a presentation this coming Wednesday for the Transpersonal Psychology Interest Group (TPIG) of the Australian Psychological Society (APS). The details from Dr Jonathan Tandos; Acting National Convenor TPIG APS; are below. Self-realisation in Rumi’s psychology: Journey of transformation from ego self to

8 Surprising Habits that Might Prevent Authentic Happiness

By |2017-12-12T22:05:48+11:00December 24th, 2014|

This a re-post from an article which I liked in the PsychCentral blog. I am sharing it because over time I have seen how such habits inhibit one's authentic happiness. I have come across these and similar conditionings in myself and many clients. Bottom line is the lifetime practice of "questioning the status quo", the self-inquiry and

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