The Point of Meditation

By |2019-08-04T16:45:28+10:00August 1st, 2019|

What's the goal of meditation? Why should one meditate anyway? For majority of us meditation is one of the most challenging or perhaps boring and pointless things to do. But, it has countless benefits. Countless, because meditation itself is not the goal, it helps us meet our goals by learning to come back to the

Meeting between Rumi & Shams

By |2018-11-11T01:50:31+11:00November 11th, 2018|

The New Acropolis Australia is presenting this welcome event on World Philosophy Day 2018 which this year coincides with the day Rumi's soul was ignited meeting Shams over 774 years ago (15 Nov 1244). I will be one of the presenters and would like to invite you to join us.

Walking Meditation

By |2019-10-09T20:35:16+11:00December 22nd, 2017|

If you are one of the many people who really wishes to give meditation a go but finds sitting meditation really difficult, why not try walking meditation? In fact, walking meditation can help with two of the five pillars of brain health which neuroscientists recommend (see 5 Factors to Boost Brain Health). Because it combines exercise and stress reduction through mindfulness in one activity. Particularly during the holiday season, you can take a walk down the beach, in the park, or go bush walking mindfully.

In memory of Edgar Mitchell: Explorer of the Moon and Consciousness

By |2017-12-11T21:21:27+11:00February 10th, 2016|

We went to the moon as technicians and we came back as humanitarians. ~Edgar Mitchell Most people know Edgar Mitchell best as an Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth person to walk on the moon. A US Navy Captain, MIT-trained aeronautics engineer, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the NASA distinguished service award, and

Make Better Decisions: Include your Three Centres of Intelligence

By |2023-11-01T19:59:51+11:00October 16th, 2014|

Everything we do involves some sort of decision making. Sometimes we make poor decisions, sometimes we do much better; at other times we get stuck and torn between our choices. Whether we are limited in our choices or have too many options; whether the decision we are facing is trivial or critical, one thing is clear; that we all would like to make “better” choices depending on our restrictions and our capacities. We usually know our restrictions but do we know and utilise all of our capacities? The answer is: “most probably not”.

Dear Rumi…Tell me about forgiveness

By |2022-07-26T19:19:58+10:00September 30th, 2014|

Tell me about forgiveness. Why should I forgive and how? Why is there so much hate and revenge? Thankfully one can still witness many instances of compassion, humanity and cooperation. Nevertheless it seems that forgiveness is perhaps one of the most missed virtues in today’s crazy world. A world massively inflamed with fires of fear, insecurity and retaliation

Love hurts…it has to…to wake you up!

By |2019-10-07T23:28:52+11:00September 20th, 2014|

This is a follow up post from last month’s “Dear Rumi, What is true love?“.  I am writing this to emphasise three things: Firstly that the “capital letters True Love” is not something other worldly, it is not something higher and separate from us to achieve, it is our fabric and true nature; we only need to be able to experience ourselves as true love. Secondly ...

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