9 Personality Traits Blocking Happiness &A Sure Way to Let Happiness Find You

By |2019-08-02T21:26:51+10:00March 23rd, 2016|

Almost everyone would be in pursuit of happiness at some stage of their lives. Most people seek happiness all of their lives and would miss it even in front of their noses. The truth is that authentic happiness is not something to attain by pursing it, it can only ensue. Ultimately it can only ensue as a result of dedicating one’s life to knowing oneself. Now this journey of self-knowing takes many different shapes depending on the circumstances and the life stage one is in. For instance Viktor Frankl; highly respected neurologist and psychiatrist and a Holocaust survivor; puts it this way:

8 Surprising Habits that Might Prevent Authentic Happiness

By |2017-12-12T22:05:48+11:00December 24th, 2014|

This a re-post from an article which I liked in the PsychCentral blog. I am sharing it because over time I have seen how such habits inhibit one's authentic happiness. I have come across these and similar conditionings in myself and many clients. Bottom line is the lifetime practice of "questioning the status quo", the self-inquiry and

Make Better Decisions: Include your Three Centres of Intelligence

By |2023-11-01T19:59:51+11:00October 16th, 2014|

Everything we do involves some sort of decision making. Sometimes we make poor decisions, sometimes we do much better; at other times we get stuck and torn between our choices. Whether we are limited in our choices or have too many options; whether the decision we are facing is trivial or critical, one thing is clear; that we all would like to make “better” choices depending on our restrictions and our capacities. We usually know our restrictions but do we know and utilise all of our capacities? The answer is: “most probably not”.

Dear Rumi…Tell me about forgiveness

By |2022-07-26T19:19:58+10:00September 30th, 2014|

Tell me about forgiveness. Why should I forgive and how? Why is there so much hate and revenge? Thankfully one can still witness many instances of compassion, humanity and cooperation. Nevertheless it seems that forgiveness is perhaps one of the most missed virtues in today’s crazy world. A world massively inflamed with fires of fear, insecurity and retaliation

You inhibit yourself, if you don’t inhabit yourself!

By |2017-12-11T21:21:30+11:00September 25th, 2014|

A deceptively simple practice with incredible benefits. We are born freely inhabiting our bodies; but somehow we forget this as we grow up and begin inhibiting ourselves. I owe the inspiration for writing this post to a dear client who accidentally mistyped "inhibit" as "inhabit"; or was it a so called "Freudian slip" on her

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