clutter-stress-cartoon9 Lesser-Known Tips for Getting & Staying Organized

Clutter is a significant source of stress for a lot of people, particularly in today’s consumerist society where we accumulate more and more stuff. Following is a very useful post from by By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. which I recommend reading if clutter is a problem for you:

9 Lesser-known tips for getting & staying organised


If you don’t have time to read the whole post at least be mindful of this one:

“A really crucial part of being organized over the long term is to develop a consciousness over what we continue to acquire.”
So the next time you’re getting ready to buy something, Wilska suggested asking yourself: “What’s the actual use I have for this item? Where is it going to go? Do I have something else that does the same thing?” Some people find it helpful to wait 24 hours before buying.