Emotion Regulation Skills to Manage Violence

A Mindfulness-Based Approach

I am giving a joint presentation on Sunday 4th June with the following details. This is a complimentary event sponsored by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and House of Persia Community and Cultural Centre. It is part of a series of programs to raise community awareness on family violence.

Sunday 4 June 2017 – 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Doncaster Senior Citizens Centre
895–901 Doncaster Rd. Doncaster

Admission: Free
Light refreshments served

RSVP & more info:
Please call 0468 460 698
Or click facebook event

In this introductory presentation, you will learn how the brain works, including about our perceptions, priorities, self-worth and emotions such as anger and guilt, and their messages. By Dr Roozbeh Malekzadeh (GP & Counsellor)

Followed by my presentation on what mindfulness is and how it can help everyone including people in abusive violent relationships.

This is an interactive session where participants will have the chance to practice some basic mindfulness techniques, experience its benefits first hand, and add value with their questions and comments.


[House of Persia Community and Cultural Centre (HOPE) is offering a series of seminars with the aim of increasing community awareness on the nature, types and some of the causes of violent behaviours perpetrated by family members; as well as pointing to resources available to help the affected people.

Following the first highly informative presentation given by Dr Kristin Diemer (Melbourne University) in March, HOPE is pleased to announce the second presentation in the series in June, followed by a third presentation on its legal aspects and Family Law in July (details to be announced).]