9 Personality Traits Blocking Happiness &A Sure Way to Let Happiness Find You

By |2019-08-02T21:26:51+10:00March 23rd, 2016|

Almost everyone would be in pursuit of happiness at some stage of their lives. Most people seek happiness all of their lives and would miss it even in front of their noses. The truth is that authentic happiness is not something to attain by pursing it, it can only ensue. Ultimately it can only ensue as a result of dedicating one’s life to knowing oneself. Now this journey of self-knowing takes many different shapes depending on the circumstances and the life stage one is in. For instance Viktor Frankl; highly respected neurologist and psychiatrist and a Holocaust survivor; puts it this way:

“If Abbott is not stupid, why does he keep doing stupid things?” The Enneagram might shed light.

By |2019-10-31T16:27:37+11:00December 3rd, 2015|

"On one occasion, Turnbull found himself in an Adelaide pub drinking beer with a group of workers from the Australian Submarine Corporation. Abbott, the workers told him, was an idiot. Of course he isn't, Turnbull replied. The man is a Rhodes Scholar with a degree in economics from Oxford University. He's actually very bright. The

Dear Rumi…Why am I here? Tell me about work and life purpose

By |2019-10-31T14:48:27+11:00May 29th, 2014|

Rumi tells us that yes there is a reason we are here and we do have a true purpose. “Someone said: ‘I have neglected that true purpose.’ Rumi replied: When this thought enters a person’s mind and they criticize themselves, saying, ‘What am I about, and why do I do these things?’ When this happens, it is a sure sign that the person is actually loved and cared for. ‘Love continues so long as reprimands continue,’ said the poet. We may reprimand our friends, but we never reprimand a stranger.” ~Rumi [1]

The Guiding Light of the Enneagram

By |2022-12-19T10:17:50+11:00February 20th, 2013|

Summary: Our unique way of reacting to life based on our conditioned mind is our personality.   …We mostly live in our conditioned patterns and spend a lot of energy maintaining our comfort zones, this is like flying in auto-pilot mode, but life has its own ways of throwing surprises at us to take us out of our personality comfort zone.  …We must get to know our personality intimately; and this is the key to taking charge of our own flight and developing the capacity to soar to our highest potentials.

Enneagram – free online test

By |2020-09-09T13:38:56+10:00February 7th, 2013|

Click to Discover your Enneagram Personality Type Now  Free - Anonymous - Private This free online test is provided by the Enneagram Institute. The test is confidential and anonymous. No records are saved so you are  advised to print your results at the end for your own record-keeping, otherwise you'll need to take the test

Enneagram, the Mirror and the Map (past seminar)

By |2019-10-31T11:44:34+11:00February 5th, 2013|

Free Public Seminar  -  Sunday 3 March 2013   As part of the 'City of Manningham Healthy Lifestyle Week 2013' you are invited to this free self development seminar by Life Coach, Hamid Homayouni. Learn more about yourself, your habits and your personality to assist you in living a more fulfilling and joyful life. The session introduces

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